1.Check your pre-bed diet
You're not designed to digest and sleep at the same time,
so do your best to make sure you either indulge in that
heavy dinner early in the night or stick to lighter foods if
you'll be eating later.
Feeling peckish around bedtime? "Several foods promote
sleep by helping to optimize the release of melatonin.
Turkey and warm milk contain tryptophan (the precursor to
melatonin), while honey contains orexin, which reduces
alertness. Marmite, almonds, chamomile and oatcakes are
also good, and bananas have high levels of serotonin and
2.Don't stress
A regular sleep schedule is great, but don't be a slave to
your plan or stress out if you're not sleepy at the "right" time.
If you're not drifting off after 15 or 20 minutes, get up and
engage in a little more of your preferred pre-bed relaxation
Whatever you do, don't obsess over the time. "Staring at a
clock in your bedroom, either when you are trying to fall
asleep or when you wake in the middle of the night, can
actually increase stress, making it harder to fall asleep. Turn
your clock's face away from you,"
3.Adopt a bedtime ritual
Your body and mind need a signal that it's time to sleep, so
develop series of relaxing actions you perform each night
that act as your own personal off switch. Reading is good,
so is taking a hot bath. "The rise, then fall in body
temperature promotes drowsiness," explains Harvard Med's
Healthy Sleep site .
Just avoid that quick pre-bed work email check or any other
potentially stimulating or stressful activity. It can raise your cortisol levels making it harder to get to sleep.
Your sleeping subconscious is a powerful tool that can help
you make difficult decisions and dream up innovative ideas.
But in order for it to do that, you have to ask it for help and
take time to listen to its answers. You can make time for a
little free writing, or simply take a few moment to reflect on
the issues you're facing, the day that's passed, or your
hopes for tomorrow. Or try a simple meditation practice .
Whatever method you choose, your goal is to have a clear
mind before you settle into bed. 5.Take some time in the
evening to work through the day, make lists to do tomorrow
and clear your mental desktop of the stuff that you still have
to think about. Then go to bed,"
Think of what happened during the
Even if it was a bad day, it’ll help you avoid them
next time.Make a to do list for tomorrow
That way you get it out of your system and your
mind will get a really good night of sleep. Maybe
it’s just 6 hours, but you’ll feel energized because
you’ll get great rest.
6.Make a to do list for tomorrow
That way you get it out of your system and your mind will get a really good night of sleep. Maybe
it’s just 6 hours, but you’ll feel energized because
you’ll get great rest.
7. Check the weather
So in the morning you already know how’s gonna
look like. Avoid wasting time in the morning to decide what you’re gonna have for breakfast, to turn
on your TV, your smartphone or any device just to
figure out how the weather is like.
Drinking enough water each day has some pretty significant effects on weight management and weight loss; however, it cannot shrink your belly on its own. A healthy, reduced-calorie diet, plenty of exercise and a few lifestyle changes, in addition to drinking plenty of water, will help you fight -- and win -- the battle of the belly bulge. Before embarking on a weight loss plan, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss you current health and goals.
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